Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On "Beauty, Truth...and Physics"

Murray Gell Mann, a Nobel Prize winning physicist, famous for his pioneering works on elementary particle, focuses on whether the words “beauty” or “truth”, often used as an attribute of laws of physics, really have any significance or they are just two philosophical words denoting some vague qualities.

Basically the idea of “beauty” can be said to have been derived from the fact that all the physical phenomenon are acted upon by some laws that can be expressed by mathematical equations. According to the speaker, this “beauty” is a necessary condition for a theory to be a successful one. Another way to put it would be, a physicist can take a theory to be a correct one in case it can be expressed with mathematical precision.

On this note he talks about the topics of his own research like unified theory and symmetry of particles and how theories in each of these fields were coherent to the idea of “beauty” of physical laws. He also asserts the role of probability in quantum mechanical laws like unified theory, cutting out the popular belief that it is a theory of everything.  He compared the whole concept with a slice of onion, something which reveals more of itself as it is chopped over and over again. But the interesting fact is that each layer of the onion skin which symbolizes a physical law as denoted by the speaker, shares similar trait with other layer. And this is where the motivation of turning the whole concept into a single one comes because that is what seems to be the most obvious as far as the “beauty” of physics is concerned. He brings up the similarity of the laws of gravitation and the Coulomb’s law of force of electric charge to justify his claim. He goes as deep as deep as talking about the concept of symmetry which has turned a lot of complex ideas into a concise and elegant form. As an example, he even shows the Maxwell’s equations denote the same thing as that of Einstein’s, only except the latter is much more concise and that has been possible through symmetry.

He also shows the steps that are to be taken while approaching to derive a mathematical formulation of unified theory. And the essential two of them are symmetry and self similarity that is, the similarity between the intrinsic laws themselves.

The laws of physics to be approached in this manner might look formidable and overcomplicated but this is how any physical law is dealt with. People who are not acquainted with these things might be baffled at the vastness of the existing laws and at the same time might not even hesitate to ridicule the sheer inability of physics to describe a lot of natural events, which they often term as supernatural ones.
On this note he shows the three principles of particle physics, of which he specially talks about the “unreasonable effectiveness” of the mathematics done in order to explain the behavior of elementary particles, which a lot of people might associate with metaphysical actions.

But based on his belief of existence of laws behind every phenomena, he denies any supernatural intervention in explaining the phenomenon that are still unexplained at the end of his speech because according to him every phenomena is an action of fundamental laws with influence of probabilistic  events.

To be factual, the term “beauty” described here is an already existing criterion for a theory to be justifiable, and this is called “naturalness”, first coined out by Einstein who had the same belief that all the natural events can be described by “beautiful” mathematical equations. Basically, all the physical laws and mathematics involved are formulated based on intuition, or in other words, a physicist, while devising a theory expects everything to go along the line of mathematics or logical consequence. Occurrence of any event that may lie outside the region of logical consequence is very rare. And even if it happens that is if the reason behind the unnatural behavior is not obvious, it may be pointing towards some profound idea that is still not known. To explain numerically, naturalness is the quality of a physical constant to possess a value of the order 1. Two of the biggest problems of particle physics at present involve disagreement to this notion of naturalness and particle physicists are still confused about it. One of them is the cosmological constant and hierarchy problem, or the discrepancy between weak nuclear force and the gravity of particle physics being the latter. The second one, being described by standard model gives rise to parameters with many orders of magnitude. Thus they require fine tuning and only then the universe as we see now, can be explained precisely.
In their pursuit to experimentally validate the Standard Model of particles scientists are now conducting experiments with LHC in CERN and Higgs Boson, an essential particle for the justification of standard model has been observed. But Higgs Boson is not the only requirement for the standard model to be verified. The other particles required to fulfill the theory were not observed in the last experiment. This forces physicists to reconsider their thought about a natural universe and might even make them reach the conclusion that the universe is not “natural” and the laws in the universe are the effect of random fabrication of time and space. This might make them resort to multiverse theory which proposes more universe formed of “unnaturalness” to increase the probability for such occurrence to take place. So it can be said that the physics that we will see in the coming days will be largely defined by what we find or do not find in LHC experiment.

Last of all, involving theology with science will thereby give rise to misleading ideas. The belief among various religious groups that science is not enough to explain the so called supernatural things and their claim is not based on concrete logic. The very reason that they have come to know about the things as mystifying as “dark matter” or “dark energy”, that physicists are still baffled about, is because of the very existence of science rather than their faith.

-By Ahmed Mustahid